Why the Monarch Butterfly Now Graces My Campaign Logo

I've added the monarch butterfly to my logo. Here's why.

Hey everyone, Jason Hoover here. Today, I want to take a moment to talk about something new in my campaign that you might have noticed: the addition of a monarch butterfly to my logo. This isn’t just a random design choice—it’s a symbol that carries deep meaning for me and, I believe, for our community. Let me share why this small yet mighty creature is the perfect emblem for what we’re striving to achieve together.

Transformation and Growth

The monarch butterfly is a powerful symbol of transformation. Just think about its journey—from a tiny egg to a caterpillar, and finally, after a period of deep change, into a butterfly. This metamorphosis is a natural marvel, and it mirrors the transformation we’re working toward in New Castle County. Our community is at a pivotal moment, where we have the opportunity to grow stronger and more resilient. Through smart growth and open space preservation, we’re not just reacting to the challenges of today; we’re proactively shaping a future that’s sustainable and vibrant. Just as the monarch emerges from its chrysalis with new strength and beauty, our community is poised for a rebirth that honors our natural environment while fostering economic and social vitality.

Resilience and Hope

The monarch butterfly’s annual migration is one of the most awe-inspiring phenomena in nature. These delicate creatures travel thousands of miles from North America to central Mexico, overcoming incredible odds along the way. Their journey is a testament to resilience and hope—two qualities that are essential as we navigate the challenges facing New Castle County. Our community, too, has faced its share of obstacles, from economic shifts to environmental threats. But like the monarch, we continue to push forward, driven by a vision of what we can achieve together. This is not just about surviving; it’s about thriving despite the challenges, with our eyes set on a future that reflects our collective aspirations.


Community and Connection

Another reason the monarch butterfly is such a fitting symbol for my campaign is its representation of community and connection. Monarchs don’t recognize borders—they move freely across vast landscapes, uniting different regions and cultures in their journey. This resonates deeply with my vision for our communities here in New Castle County. I’m committed to building connected, inclusive, and equitable communities where everyone feels they belong. Just as the monarchs connect ecosystems across continents, we’re working to create a county where connections between people, neighborhoods, and natural spaces are strong and enduring. We’re all part of something bigger, and by fostering these connections, we can build a community that supports and uplifts everyone.

Environmental Awareness

Finally, the monarch butterfly is a symbol of environmental awareness. Monarchs are often seen as indicators of the health of our environment, and their declining numbers have raised alarms about the state of our natural world. Their presence—or absence—reminds us of the importance of protecting our ecosystems. This is a cause that has been close to my heart for over a decade. From leading the Save The Valley movement to joining the Open Space Advisory Board, I’ve dedicated much of my life to preserving our natural lands. The monarch butterfly in my logo is a call to pay attention, to be curious about nature, and to protect the small things that, collectively, make a big difference. It’s a reminder that our actions today will determine the world we leave for future generations.


A Symbol for Our Shared Journey

By adding the monarch butterfly to my logo, I’m not just introducing a new visual element—I’m reinforcing the values that guide my campaign and our collective efforts. Transformation, resilience, community, and environmental respect are the pillars on which we’re building a better future for New Castle County. The monarch butterfly is a reminder of what we’re working toward and a symbol of the beauty and strength that can emerge when we come together with a shared purpose.

Let’s continue this journey together. Just like the monarch, we have the power to overcome challenges, connect with one another, and create a thriving, sustainable future. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to what we’ll achieve together.


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